Kristi Langhus
Elizabeth Wellenstein
Carrie Johnson

200 E. Milwaukee St
Argyle, WI 53504

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Carrie Johnson, along with husband Eric, have been shepherds for 4 years and have chosen Icelandic sheep as their breed due to the meat, fiber and milk quality.  There are many different colors to this breed so the fleece is in high demand by hand spinners and natural color enthusiasts. 

Along with the sheep, the Johnson' raise Scottish Highland cattle, pasture poultry including  broilers and turkeys, pastured pork, laying hens and 8 acres of produce.  They attend farmers' markets in the Madison, WI area and have a current website at

Farm visits are welcomed and encouraged by appointment.

Contact Carrie at:

Carrie & Eric Johnson
Jordandal Farm
W7977 Sunset Road
Argyle, WI 53504